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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saturday Night Live Music: "(I Could Only) Whisper Your Name"

Exactly 20 years ago today, Harry Connick, Jr., released She, a funk album which dramatically changed his musical persona and which remains, two decades later, a fascinating piece of musical artistry: rousing, rocking funk, layered over a mixture of experiments in rap, acoustic, and industrial noise. Unfortunately, he's never again devoted his energies to exploring funk the way he did for a short time in the 1990s, so evidence of his skill with that style in hard to find online. For the album's best cuts--"Honestly Now" and "Between Us"--there's nothing I could come up with...but fortunately, someone caught Connick on Australian television back in 1995, and thus at least this one slick, burning number is available for our enjoyment. But seriously, if you've never listened to the whole album, get a hold of it and do so--it's worth it.

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