Friday, February 07, 2014

Still Great, Half a Century On

So, will you be huddled like sheep around the television set (or the laptop, though I'm not it'll be live-streamed) watching CBS this Sunday night, watching the 50th anniversary tribute to the Beatles and their ground-breaking appearance on the Ed Sullivan show? I will be, and so should you; I mean, for heaven's sake, if the Eurythmics can get back together for this one show, you can sacrifice a Sunday evening. And honestly, aside from all the predictable retrospective commodification, it's still a big deal: the Beatles revolution may have begun three and a half years earlier, and wouldn't hit it's peak for another year or two, and they'd be burned out less than a half-decade after that...but, their arrival in America, and their wonderful set on one of America's biggest television shows, was a landmark nonetheless. Don't believe me? Just watch the original showing for yourself.

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