Friday, August 13, 2010

Lazy Summer Friday Morning Videos: "Escape (The Piña Colada Song)"

So this'll be the last of the Lazy Summer Friday Morning Videos. Next week, back to normal. But for one last bit of laziness, a little song, a favorite of mine, that I don't really relate to at all, but love all the same. If Rupert Holmes's outfit, if the back-up singer's hair, if the lyrics of the song, if the nerdy dude jamming out in his own private world on the guitar, all don't sum up pretty much everything dopey and awesome about the groovy white bourgeoisie of the 70s, I don't know what possibly could. And they even threw in the Village People! How can you beat that?

Incidentally, today is Melissa's and my 17th wedding anniversary. We're planning on getting together with some friends, playing a lot of embarrassing party games, consuming a lot of chips and soda, and staying up late. Maybe we'll even sing this song out loud at some point. Honestly, we missed our era.


  1. Happy Anniversary (from Dallas).

  2. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Russell and Melissa!!

  3. That might be the 70s-est thing I've ever seen.

    Happy anniversary!

  4. I didn't realize you were so hep! I thought you were a cute, little, sweet nerd! Happy 17th Anniversary! Love, Mom

  5. But is you REALLY loved me Mom, you would have bought me one of those Members Only jackets.

    (Kidding! Thanks for commenting.)

  6. I used to regularly watch a fairly severely autistic young man on the weekends. He was obsessed with a radio station that played the "sunny hits of the 70's" and this was a regular in their rotation. I can't say that makes me think well of it. But more importantly, happy anniversary.
