Friday, July 09, 2010

Lazy Summer Friday Morning Videos: "Steal Away" "I'd Really Love to See You Tonight"

Who doesn't adore these mellow-and-lazy-yet-tight-and-awesome performances from the old Midnight Special show? Well, okay, probably quite a few of you don't. I'm not here to argue though. So in the meantime, here's another one by an artist that probably none of you remember (but should). [Update, 6/9/10, 12:55pm, CST: Embedding should be fixed now. This one starts automatically, but give it time to load, though.] [ Update #2, 6/10/10, 2:19pm, CST: Okay, unfortunately, it looks like the Robert Dupree video is just a failure. My apologies, everybody, but since I made the determination to go live and lazy, I'm going to stick with it; I refuse to put up some crappy home-made manga-style video off YouTube just because it has the soundtrack I'm looking for. Anyway, here's some England Dan and John Ford Coley to make up for the mistake.]


  1. Russell, this video has been blocked, and will not play.

  2. I loved that song and wanted to watch the vid--it's restricted, tho'.

  3. Sorry guys; I thought that I'd figured out a way around most of my struggles with YouTube, but obviously not. Here's another version, which load slowly, but sounds just as good.

  4. Sorry everybody, but I had to give up. That other video of Robert Dupree singing his best song (I agree, Idahospud; it's a charmer) was just messing with my html code. So I put something else up instead. My apologies.

  5. A warm wind moving the stars around? What would Galileo say?
